Dr. Gustavo Cruz Pacheco
Investigador Titular "A"
Departamento de Matemáticas y Mecánica
I.I.M.A.S., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Mat. (UNAM, México), M. en M.A., Ph.D. (University of Arizona, EUA).
56 22 35 66
cruz @ mym.iimas.unam.mx
- G Cruz-Pacheco, L Esteva, C Pio-Ferreira
The role of sexual transmission on the Zika outbreak
- G Cruz-Pacheco, L Esteva, C Pio-Ferreira
The spread of Zika as a vectorial and sexual transmitted disease: a mathematical model analysis
- J-G Caputo, G Cruz-Pacheco, P Panayotaros
Bistable reaction-difusion on a network
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48 (2015) 075102 (27pp)
- G Cruz-Pacheco, L Esteva, C Vargas
Vaccination strategies for SIR vector-transmited diseases
Bull Math Biol (2014) 76:2073–2090
- G Cruz-Pacheco, L Esteva, C Vargas
Control measures for Chagas disease
Mathematical Biosciences 237 (2012) 49–60
- G Cruz-Pacheco, L Esteva, C Vargas
Multi-species interactions in West Nile virus infection
Journal of Biological Dynamics
Vol. 6, No. 2, March 2012, 281–298
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, Lourdes Esteva, Cristobal Vargas
Seasonal Effects on West Nile Virus Infection
G. Cruz-Pacheco, L. Esteva, J.A. Montaño, C. Vargas
A Mathematical Model for the Dynamics of West Nile Virus
Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure
and Control, Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. pp 511-516, 2004.
G. Cruz-Pacheco, L. Esteva, J.A. Montaño, C. Vargas
Modelling the Dynamics of West Nile Virus
Bulletin for Mathematical Biology 67, 2005, pp 1157-1172.
- M.C. Jorge, G. Cruz-Pacheco, Luis Mier y Teran Romero, N. F. Smyth
Evolution of Two Dimensional Lump Nanosolitons for the
Zakharov-Kuznetsov and Electromigration Equations
Chaos: Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
CHAOS 15, 2005, 037104 pp 1-13.
Invited paper.
- G. Cruz-Pacheco, C.D. Levermore, Benjamin P. Luce
Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations as Perturbations of Nonlinear
Schrödinger Equations: A Melnikov Approach
Physica D Vol. 197/3-4, pp 269-285, 2004
- G. Cruz-Pacheco, A.A. Minzoni, P. Padilla,
M. Rosenbaum, P. Ryan, N. F. Smyth, T. Vukasinac
On the possibility of wormhole formation due to quantum
effects in the gravitational collapse of a small dust shell
Revista Mexicana de Física, Vol. 49, pp 122-124 2003
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, C. David Levermore, Benjamin P. Luce
Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations as Perturbations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Quasi-periodic Solutions.
Preprint. 2003.
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, C. David Levermore, Benjamin P. Luce
Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations as Perturbations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Traveling Wave Persistence.
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, C. David Levermore, Benjamin P. Luce
Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equations as Perturbations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: A Case Study.
A. Corichi, G. Cruz-Pacheco, A.A. Minzoni, P. Padilla,
M. Rosenbaum, P. Ryan, N. F. Smyth, T. Vukasinac
Quantum Collapse of a Small Dust Shell
Physics Review D, Vol. 65 2002, pp 1-13.
- G. Cruz-Pacheco, A. Minzoni, P. Padilla, A. Corichi, M. Rosenbaum, M. P. Ryan, N. F. Smyth
Effect of Low Momentum Quantum Fluctuations on a Coherent Field Structure
Physics Review D, Volume 61. 2000, pp1-10.
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, G. Flores-Reyna, M.C. Jorge, A. Minzoni, N. F. Smyth
Approximate Evolution of Lump Initial Conditions for the Benjamin-Ono Equation
Wave Motion 28(3) 1998, pp195-202
- Alejandro B. Aceves, Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco.
Fast Jitter Traveling Wave Solutions in a Soliton Communication Line System with Dispersion Management.
Physics Letters A 233. 1997
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, Benjamin P. Luce
On the Relationship of Periodic Wavetrains and Solitary Waves of Complex Ginzburg-Landau Type Equations.
Physics Letters A 236. 1997, pp 63-67.
- Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco, C. David Levermore, Benjamin P. Luce
Melnikov Methods for PDEs: Applications to Perturbed Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations
CNLS NEWSLETTER, No. 114, June 1995.