Lyapunov 9

We implement robust and highly accurate boundary value techniques to continue the Lyapunov families. An extensive collection of python scripts that reproduce the results reported in this article for the selection of values n=4,..,9 will be made freely available. These scripts control the software AUTO to carry out the necessary sequences of computations.

Lyapunov family
for k = 4
  • descriptiondescription
Lyapunov family
for k = 4
  • descriptiondescription
Lyapunov family
for k = 3
  • descriptiondescription
Lyapunov family
for k = 1
  • descriptiondescription
Lyapunov family
for k = 6
  • descriptiondescription
Lyapunov family
for k = 2
  • descriptiondescription
  • descriptiondescription