- J.G. Caputo, G. Cruz, A. Knippel, P. Panayotaros, Spectra of chains connected to complete graphs, Lin. Alg. Appl. 605, 29-62 (2020)
- P. Borgna, P. Panayotaros, D. Rial, C. Sánchez de la Vega, Optical solitons in nematic liquid crystals: Arbitrary deviation angle model, Physica D 408, 132448 (2020). [ DOI ]
- R.M. Vargas Magaña, A. Minzoni, P. Panayotaros, Linear Modes for Channels of Constant Cross-Section and Approximate Dirichlet–Neumann Operators., Water Waves, 1, 343-370 (2019). [ DOI ]
- J.A. Vélez Pérez, P. Panayotaros, Wannier functions and discrete NLS equations for nematicons, Mathematics in Engineering, 1(2), 309–326 (2019). [ DOI ]
- R. Martínez Galicia, P. Panayotaros, Classical breathers and quantum coherent states in discrete NLS systems, Phys. Let. A 383, 164-169 (2019). [ DOI ]
- G. Assanto, P. Panayotaros, N. Smyth, Mechanical analogies for nonlinear light beams in nonlocal nematic liquid crystals, J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Materials 27, 1850046 (2018). [ DOI ]
- F. Martínez-Farias, P. P. Panayotaros, Time evolution of localized solutions in 1-D inhomogeneous FPU model. Euro. Phys. J. - S. T. 227, 575-589 (2018).
- J.P. Borgna, P. Panayotaros, D. Rial, C. Sánchez de la Vega, Optical solitons in nematic liquid crystals model with saturation effects Nonlinearity 31, 1535 –1559 (2018)
- J. G. Caputo, I. Khames, A. Knippel, P. Panayotaros, Periodic orbits in nonlinear wave equations on networks J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 375101 (2017).
- R.I. Ben, J.P. Borgna, P. Panayotaros, Properties of localized solutions in nonlocal discrete NLS, Comm. Math. Sci. 15, 2143–2175 (2017)
- R. Martínez-Galicia, P. Panayotaros, Coherent states and localization in a quantized discrete NLS lattice
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- P. Panayotaros, Shelf solutions and dispersive shocks in a discrete NLS equation: effects of nonlocality J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Materials 25, 1650045 (2016).
- R.M. Vargas-Magaña, P. Panayotaros A Whitham-Boussinesq models for variable depth. Wave Motion 65, 156-174, (2016).
- F. Martínez-Farías, P. Panayotaros Breather solutions for inhomogeneous FPU models using Birkhoff normal forms. Physica D 335, 10-25 (2016)
- R. Martínez-Galicia, P. Panayotaros Localization and coherent states in a quantum DNLS trimer. Euro. Phys. J. - S. T. 225, 2717–2727 (2016).
- J.G. Caputo, G. Cruz, P. Panayotaros: Bistable reaction-diffusion on a network. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 075102 (2015).
- R. Ben, L. Cisneros, A.A. Minzoni, P. Panayotaros: Localized solutions for a nonlocal discrete NLS equation. Phys. Let. A 379, 1705-1714 (2015)
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- P. Panayotaros, F. Rivero: Multi-peak breather stability in a dissipative discrete NLS equation. J. Nonlin. Opt. Phys. Materials 23, 4, 1450044-1450057, (2014).
- P. Panayotaros, T.R. Marchant: Solitary waves in nematic liquid crystals. Physica D 268, 106-117 (2014).
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- P. Aceves-Sánchez, A.A. Minzoni, P. Panayotaros: Numerical study of a nonlocal model for water-waves with variable depth. Wave Motion 50, 80-93 (2013).
- P. Panayotaros: Instabilities of breathers in a finite NLS lattice Physica D 241, 847-856, 2012.
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