
Seminario Especial de Matemáticas Aplicadas

Nonlinear stability of coherent structures via pointwise estimates

por la

Dra. Margaret Beck

Boston University

Coherent structures, for example traveling waves and periodic patterns, play a key role in determining the behavior of certain types of PDEs, such as reaction diffusion equations and viscous conservation laws. In particular, if they are stable, then they attract nearby initial data and thus qualitatively govern the local dynamics for large times. Determining the stability of coherent structures is often complicated by the presence of continuous spectrum for the associated linearized operator, as well as by details of the nonlinear terms in the PDE. In this talk, I will explain such difficulties in the context of patterns known as defects, and explain how they can be overcome using so-called pointwise estimates for the associated Green's function.

Martes 20 de mayo, 2014
17:00 hrs.
Salón 200, Edificio Anexo, IIMAS

Informes:, o al 5622-3564.