
The Phase Structure of Grain Boundaries

por la

Dra. Joceline Lega

University of Arizona


Numerical simulations of pattern-forming systems suggest an interesting link between defect formation and phase singularities. I will first illustrate this statement with examples of defects in canonical two-dimensional systems, such as the complex Ginzburg-Landau and the Swift-Hohenberg equations. I will then focus on defects of a special type: grain boundaries of the Swift-Hohenberg equation. My goal then will be to discuss a well-known instability leading to the formation of dislocations at the core of these defects, and to connect these observations with properties of the associated phase diffusion equation, the regularized Cross-Newell equation. This will be accomplished by combining numerical simulations with analytical considerations, each approach being informed by and also guiding the other. This is joint work with Nick Ercolani (University of Arizona) and Nikola Kamburov (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile).

Miércoles 19 de abril de 2017
18:00 hrs.
Salón 203, Edificio Anexo, IIMAS

Informes:, o al 5622-3564.