
Continuation and instabilities of breathers in a discrete NLS

por el

Dr. Panayotis Panayotaros


We review some numerical and analytical results on the continuation of breathers in the cubic discrete NLS equation in finite one dimensional lattices. Breathers can be viewed as fixed points in a reduced system and we use some of the stability properties of breathers to obtain information on the topology of the energy hypersurface in a system of three sites. The change to a connected energy hypersurface corresponds to elliptic-hyperbolic breathers, and we study numerically Lyapunov periodic orbits, and their stable and unstable manifolds. We see evidence of homoclinic orbits and we also discuss heteroclinic orbits and the question of transport of energy.

Miércoles 7 de septiembre, 2011
18:00 hrs.
Salón 203, Edificio Anexo, IIMAS

Informes:, o al 5622-3564.