
Seminario Especial de Matemáticas Aplicadas

Tackling biomedical problems using mathematical models of cell population dynamics

por el

Dr. Tomás Alarcón

Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Barcelona

In this seminar, I will illustrate the application of population dynamics techniques and models and how they can be used to shed some light on to a variety of biomedical problems. We will focus on three particular examples: The mechanisms sustaining tumour dormancy, development of drug resistance via a mechanism of evolutionary escape based on the presence of a quiescent subpopulation, and, last, the study of tumour-induced angiogenesis using a multi-scale model of tumour growth.

Jueves 1o. de marzo, 2012
18:00 hrs.
Salón 203, Edificio Anexo, IIMAS

Informes:, o al 5622-3564.